Monday, October 19, 2009

Squish a Boob, Save a Life!

October, if you didn't know, is Breast Cancer Awareness month. This cause is especially dear to my heart because of my Grandma. She was diagnosed with breast cancer had a mastactomy and chemotheragpy and was in remission when it came back with a vengence. When it came back it was in what they call Stage 4 (which is REALLY bad). She is now considered terminal and will eventually loose her battle with the illness even though she looks and feels pretty good most of the time.
My grandma is such a wonderful lady! She is ALWAYS looking out for others and for their needs. She makes dinner for a widow in her ward every Sunday and she and/or my grandpa take the meal to her.
She is very dedicated to anything she is asked to do and never does anything half way. She is a super decorator and her home is always clean and welcoming. She and my grandpa are converts to the LDS church and are perfect examples of honesty, kindness, and enduring to the end.
So PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE be dilligent in routine self breast examines and don't miss your yearly appointments!

1 comment:

Tenecia said...

Sorry to hear about Winnie! My gramps died of terminal cancer a year ago and it's almost worse to know it's coming, so I feel for you and the trial that you're facing. Love the title!