Thursday, October 22, 2009

fOuR yEaRs OlD!

OH! Has it really been a whole four years since my baby was born? Apparantly yes. What a sweet guy he is. Here are pics from his birthday party.

I LOVE this picture not only for my boy blowing out the candles but for the dear sweet mother covering her boys mouth in the background, trying not to ruin Jackson's moment.

Amazed at the Sparkler candle....Even though I didn't get a pic of it.

Spidey cupcakes Jackson and I made together for his friends. They were easier then trying to serve each one a piece of cake, plus they got a little party favor.

Jackson was sucha good helper with his birthday cake. He wanted sprinkles and spiderman, he didn't care what else. It turned out alright....except my red frosting never turned red. Just stayed pink.

This piniata was the best $20 investment EVER! It stood about a foot taller then jackson and was SO fun for all the kids. We filled it with candy and party favors. There was SO much stuff in there all the kids were leaving with 2 full party sacks and there pockets full of stuff, with more on the ground to pick up! Side note: the little boy in the left hand side of the picture wasn't invited to the party. I don't even know who he was. My sweet Jackson just invited him to the party because he happend to be at the park at the same time.

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