Thursday, October 22, 2009

PineNut Picking!

Whoa! Pine Nut picking has taken me to a whole new level of Utahness! I have never been in the the 16 years of living here.

Pine Nut picking was NOT what I had imagined...I did NOT imagine that I would be on my hands and knees crawling under pine trees Picking through the needles and deer/elk droppings that may have been there. I did NOT imagine having to pee in the hills, and I did NOT imagine that I was going to be as sore as I was for the next 4 days! But it was wonderful! and i can't wait to do it again with my family! The thing is...I worked SO hard for the 4lbs of pinenuts I collected I don't even want to eat them. I just want to admire them from in their brown paper bag.

Thank you So much RaSelle and Spencer for driving their truck and letting me ride along! It was so much fun and Haley for inviting me and showing me how to pee while leaning on a rock and not getting any on my pants!

Small pail of pine nuts

This is our pinenut picking gear, the red thing is a bag that hooks to a belt that you dump your pine nuts into after you have filled your pail and also holds your toilet paper for when you have to pee...or poop for that matter (luckily I didn't have to do that). the gray and blue things are knee pads that strap to your legs so you don't get any pine needles in your shins and less pine gum on your pants. Thank you Ralene for sharing with me.

Haley is just finishing up nursing her little guy so naturally she had to do a little pumping so she wouldn't "hurt" quite so bad. The kids were so amazed that milk came from mommies they kept asking her questions about it. Finally she just asked them if they wanted a taste and well....Just keep scrolling down.

Here is Jad, He was the most reluctant. He promised the other boys if they tasted first then he would. This is him keeping his promise.

And this little guy REALLY liked it! He chugged like 3/4 of the bottle!

And this big guy he was such a sweet guy following me around helping me gather pine nuts. He was such a good helper and I loved chatting with him. Thanks Jerron Spencer Bubba Henry Sanderson!

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