Thursday, October 22, 2009

Muddy Boys and A Bumblebee....

Jackson and I made some Chex muddy Buddies today, more for Ben then anyone else. We cranked up the music and danced around the kitchen shaking up the chex and the powdered sugar. He kept calling them muddy boys instead of muddy buddies. It was so cute, and pretty funny!

Jackson LOVES Transformers. And being a dedicated mom I went to Walmart at midnight and bought the Transformers 2 movie so he could have it when he woke up....He was so HAPPY! He put on his Bumblebee costume and acted out all the fight scenes. It was SO hillarious!


Rachel said...

MMMMM...I am going to have to make muddy buddies now! :)

shanon said...

It was so nice seeing you at the expo. We are all going to have to get together. Your little boy is so darn cute.

kellbell said...

I love it! soo funny!