When i get Jackson together to do some pics, he is ALWAYS such a stinker. He won't pose, smile, or even hold still! It makes me want to pull my hair out! Even so, when I get home and load my pictures I am ALWAYS amazed that most of his frames are good shots. I love my Jax, he is such a good boy to put up with his mama. Here are a FEW of my favs, (I haven't really worked many other photos.)
Saturday, my mom, sister, Wendy, Natasha and I had a girls Night out. We knew we were going to go see tWiLiGhT but we ended up at Texas Road House for dinner first. The food was FANTASTIC! I really think they are one of the BEST Values in town. Great food (and lots of it) at a fantastic and affordable price. When we were done eating we headed to the Theater (like a block away) and we were 45 minutes early! (we had to make sure we got the best seats-Right?) But even being 45 minutes early, there was already a line to the back door. I couldn't believe it! These people are crazy, and I was totally bummed. We were going to have to split up and not sit together or have really crappy seats. LUCKILY.....We had Gimp 1 (Wendy who has a broken ankle) and Gimp 2 (Natasha just had knee surgery and was on crutches) and the kind Westates Theaters workers let them in first and they were able to save us some seats.
But I want to go back to being in Line......There was this Lady in front of us (in line) who I will kindly refer to as Crazy Twilight Lady. She would not shut up about things she didn't know about. She was saying that Stephanie Myers did all the film work herself and wrote the screen play (which obviously in the opening credits she did NOT), and blah, blah, blah. She almost didn't go to Disneyland because she wanted to see the movie on opening day....blah, blah, blah. (miss out on Disneyland?! i told you she was Crazy) She had just pulled in from California dropped her kids at the Babysitters and came to the movies. She was nearly hyperventilating when she kept saying "I can't believe I'm getting to see Twilight the weekend it came out, I never thought I'd get to" over and over again. But here is the REAL kicker. She said that she tends kids from her home and runs her own daycare, and that her husband was REALLY happy when she finally finished the last book.......ummmm....so what.....the kids you are supposed to be caring for were just out of control, chillin' with your husband?Yeah---like i said CrAzY tWiLiGhT lAdY.
And now that I've totally dissed Crazy Twilight Lady (sorry lady)
On to HeAtHeR's MoViE rEvIeW........
I LOVED the MOvie! This movie couldn't have failed even if it had naked chanting and raving men in the forest. Edward was HOT, Jacob was even HOTTER! Even Chief Charlie Swan and Billy were good looking in their own rugged authority figure ways. Bella was beautiful and simple, Alice was cute and bubbly and perfect for the role. Rosalie was fantastic and so beautiful. Carlise was nearly hotter than Edward. And Esme was THE perfect mother and so accommodating. You really could tell The cast was hand picked by Stephanie Myers. They were all just as she saw them in her head. One of the best parts was when Edward shows Bella why he can't be seen in the Sunlight. His Diamond skin was dazzling and better than I had expected it to be...
I read a few reviews before hand......Most were complaining about petty things like Edward's chest hair (which wasn't REALLY bad, his arms were worse) but I kind of agree with that. Edward should be smooth like "marble" right? Another review said that it didn't stick to the book at all....What movie did that person see? or rather what book did they read. It was so close it was almost scary! Of course it couldn't possibly be exactly like the book but it was pretty dang close!
I'm gonna go see it again when the crowds die down, It will be interesting to see what I did and didn't miss. How did everyone else like the movie?
What A Super fun Family this was! Shay came from SLC to have photos taken....(wow, I am totally flattered) We had a blast on the Red Rocks, by Town Square, and at Dixie State's Football Arena. These boys are super athletic, we got some great action shots!
I read the series. The first one i wasn't too impressed with. I kept getting hung up on the fact the Edward is technically like 100 years old. And for him to want to have a relationship with a minor was tipping the Pedophile meter for me. And THEN for her to have such a mature "love" relationship at the age of 17 and only being a Junior in high school, it was a bit sickening. The Lovey Dovey the whole bit, it was a almost nauseating. Not that i don't love a good Love Story. I just must have been stuck on the Pedophile thing.
But after much deliberation, plus the fact that I couldn't just NOT read the others when I knew they were there, I finished the series and have truly become a
I've been so Excited i've already bought my movie tickets. The theaters were sold out for the Midnight showing on the 20th, and opening day was already sold out too! So I've purchased my ticket 2 weeks in advance, for 8:45pm on Saturday the 22 at the Pine View Stadium 10. My mom, sister, Good Friend Wendy and I are all going. If anyone wants to join in the fun you are more then welcome.
Also just released Today, about 12 hours ago, they are going to also do movies on the second the third books. New Moon and Eclipse.
There once was an old fellow who always prayed, "Lord, prop us up on our leanin' side." After hearing him pray that prayer many times, someone asked him why he prayed for that so fervently.
He answered. "You see, I have an old barn out back. It's been there a long time; it's withstood a lot of weather, it's gone through a lot of storms, and it's stood for many years."
"It's still standing, but one day I noticed it was leaning to one side a bit. So I went and got some pine poles and propped it up on it's leaning side so it wouldn't fall."
"I got to thinking about that and how much I am like that old barn. I've been around a long time, I've withstood a lot of life's storms, I've withstood a lot of bad weather in life, and I've withstood a lot of hard times...and I'm still standing. I, too, find myself leaning to one side from time to time, so I ask the Lord to prop me up on my leaning side, because just about everyone gets to leaning at times"
Sometimes we get leaning toward anger, leaning toward bitterness, leaning toward hatred, leaning toward cussing, leaning toward a lot of things that we shouldn't. So we need to pray, and ask our Heavenly Father to help prop us up on our leaning side, so we can stand straight and tall again.
Halloween was SO incredibly fun this year! It was the first year Jackson REALLY knew what was going on, as far as trick or treating. We ran from house to house in Grandma Cram's Neighborhood but by the end of the second street his bag was so heavy and full of Candy Jackson couldn't carry it but to the door. At one house, the nice old people were waiting outside for us with a BIG bowl full of candies, little toys, apples and pencils. Of ALL the things Jacskson could have chosen he chose the APPLE! (I was so proud!) Then immediately afterwards I thought..."what if they had poisoned it or something?" and later, when I was telling my mom about it, and what I had thought, she fueled the fire further and said "they could have injected it through the stem!" (Thanks Mom) So I threw the apple away when we go home. It's sad when MY paranoia really isn't to far off sometimes.
Anyway.....enough of my ramblings. Enjoy the pics.
Jackson wanted to be A BIG HUGE ROBOT (Transformer) So he is wearing a Power Ranger costume with the Transformer mask. Silly Kid.
"Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind:it is abomination."
Prop 8 shared a ballot with many other proposals and elections, including the 2008 Presidential election in California. IF voters had rejected Prop 8 it would maintain the legal status quo, whereby the State of California would have continued to recognize marriages regardless of sex.
Luckily, it was passed. 52.2% in favor of Proposition 8 and 47.8% against (as of the day after election with 99.5% of precincts reporting) 9,152,988 votes
So how do I feel? Relieved? Disgusted?
Relieved that there are more people who live in California that BELIEVE the same as I do. That marriage should only be recognized when it is between a man and a woman. (4,736,246 votes)
Disgusted that there is only a 5% difference? That there are 4,416,742 people, JUST in California, that think it is OK not only to have a same sex relationship, but that they are also entitled to the same benefits as my Husband and Me.
ONLY a very small difference of 319,504.
Isaiah 3:9
"....and they declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not. Woe unto their soul! for they have rewarded evil unto themselves
How does everyone else feel? Leave a comment if you would like, call or email me....I'm interested.
"I grant you that there are many who approach the responsibility of motherhood with fear and timidity, because of its dangers to the physical life of mother, because of its pain, its sorrows and its distress, but in the very nature of things, if God should lighten the burdens, the sorrows, and the pain of child bearing he would endanger the enduring love of the mother for her children.
There is nothing worthwhile we obtain unless we pay the price for it. That which is given to us freely, we consider of little value, and so a mother goes into the valley of death, lays her life upon the alter to bring life into the world, and because through the rearing of the chidren who come to her, she spends many sleepless nights, denies herself the personal pleasures of life, devotes herself with patience and care and strength, almost more than she has, to the welfare of her children, -- this is what makes her love them. For where her treasure is, there her heart is, and the greatest treasure a woman has she gives in her service, her life itself."
~Melvin J. Ballard
"If you are still inthe process of raising children, be aware that the tiny fingerprints that show up on almost every newly cleaned surface, the toys scattered about the house, the piles and piles of laundry to be tackled will disappear all too soon and that you will-to your surprise-miss them profoundly."
~President Thomas S. Monson
I have been married 5 1/2 years to my best friend. Together we have two children, Jackson age 5 and Dylan age 1.
We are expecting twins sometime in May 2011.