Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Tribute to the Fathers in my life.

I know Father's Day is long gone. But I need to post about the Fathers in my life.

First up....My Children's Father.

Ben is one of the best dads out there. He only wants what is best for his boys. Even if it is comes with a dose of stern discipline. He loves them so much. He works long hard hours at two seperate jobs so that their mother can be home to take care of them. When Jackson asks him where he is going it breaks his heart everytime he has to tell him "to work". And it melts his heart when he gets home and Jackson asks him how his day was and Dylan does all he can to run to him and give his some love. I love you so much babe. Thank you for all you do.

Next is....My Father.

My Dad to say the least has always been and always will be the rock that our family is built upon. He grew up in a Catholic home, served in the army and converted to the LDS church when he was 21. He then served a mission in Halifax Canada. He married my mom in 1982 in the Los Angeles Temple. Ever since I can remember he would wake us up in the early morning for family scripture study and family prayer. He would always come in and flip on the light and be singing us a song. Usually it was "you are so beautiful to me, Can't you see?...." I don't know who sings it but when I happen to hear it, it never sounds as good as it did when my dad was singing it to me. He is such a fantastic grandpa. My boys love him to pieces. He has taught me to draw strength from the little things around me. A smile, a look, a bed, a roof over our heads, and to always look at all of my options and look a little further in to the future. Grandfather

My grandpa has ALWAYS been there. I think my grandpa has a special gift in knowing the "true heart" of a person. He is really thoughtful and one of the most HONEST men I know. He has done a lot in his lifetime. He was an undercover narcotics detective for a long time. I love to hear his stories about dumb criminals or the cool busts that he went on. After an accident on the job he retired from that and went on to owning his own custom cabinet business. There, he has taught many, including myself, the benefits of working hard and doing good quality work. From the time I was 12 and even before, he always offered me time on the job. Whether it was sitting or inventorying in the bike shop or at the cabinet shop sweeping sawdust and building drawers, he always paid me and the rest of his employee fair wages according to the quality and hard work we put in. I complained A LOT, when I worked there but now I would never trade those experiences for anything. Not only has it taught me good work ethics, but with that knowledge I can refurnish, fix or build just about anything I may need for my home.

Without these three men my life would be incomplete. I would not be the person that I am today. Thank you for all you do and have done. I'm so happy my boys have wonderful examples in their life.  I love you all.

Happy Father's Day

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