Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A gReAt BIG bRoThEr!

This morning Jackson saw me playing with Dylan while he was still in his crib (standing of course). I kept peeking around the corner and saying "BOO!" I was about to walk away and use the bathroom and Jackson comes over and says.

"Don't worry Mom, I will protect him."

What a sweet guy huh.

He tells me two minutes later...."Mom, is there a library we can go to so I can get some new books?"

What?!? He is such a smartie. So thats where we are headed today to the library, to find some new books.

1 comment:

Erica said...

How cute!!! You are raising quite the "protector!" And get some good books!! What a fun activity today that actually involves a little learning - you're one lucky mom!

Enjoy your day!