Friday, January 22, 2010

You saw who? where?

Yes, its me. Yes, that is a mug shot. I figured all the celebrities get blogged about when they get arrested. Shouldn't I? Am I not DIVA enough? haha

Still not really sure what I was Arrested for.....They told me a civil matter.....Another chapter in my life?

Its kinda funny right? It wasn't funny at the time.....but it is kinda funny now. Oh well, what do you do?
And here are my lovely holding cell mates.....they told me, "jail isn't as bad as it seems." This is coming from a pill popping meth user, a woman who contributes to minors, shoplifter, and the last girl had a warrant for something. Nobody worry, I was in good company.


Kellie Larsen said...

lol that is great! I always wondered what jail was time you go tell me we will have a party :)

Cristi said...

haha I knew you had a bad side featha

Cram Family said...

That is way to funny! Glad you can make light of it now. Hope that you guys are doing good!! Love ya

Portia said...

WAIT A MIN! is this serious?? If so I am so so sorry! Thanks for the prego comment, it sure made me feel good =)

Tenecia said...

WHAT??? How the heck can they arrest you and not give you details? That's crazy. I would have been bawling my eyes out!

Tiff and Ryan said...

Dude...I saw you on there, and didnt think anything of it, youre a great person and I knew it was a mistake or some stupid reason, YO maybe it was cause you rock a camera so great it should be illegal...loves

Rachel said...

Whhhhaaattt?! Now that goes down as the number one shocker that I have ever read on a blog! I hope everything gets cleared up for you!!!

Valerie said...

Oh my heck that is funny, however your probably right, it wasn't funny at the time.