Friday, August 15, 2008

Our Third Anniversary!

Ben and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary on July 29. I know the post is late but I still wanted to share the beautiful flowers that he had delivered to my work. 6 red and 6 white along with a balloon that looked like is should have been for a birthday party. (which was kinda funny). But the Flowers were beautiful and I was the envy of all the girls at work. 
So many people told me that 3 years is a long way for some people now days. I thought that was kinda sad but true. What are we coming to when people can't even stay married for more than 3 years? I can't wait to spend the rest of my life and eternity with my dear Benjamin and my sweet Jackson. They are the light of my life. The bread to my butter, the camera to my lens. hehehe.
I surly would be lost without Ben. Here's to you babe. Happy Anniversary, I love you so much.

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