Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I saw this video on facebook today. I bawled like a little baby. It is beautiful.

These people have the pleasure of knowing what a REAL hug should be and feel like. So, next time you give someone you love a hug make sure to hold a little tighter, and  maybe even a little longer. It will be worth it.

I so much imagine when we die and return to heaven that this is the way that we will embrace our Savior and our loved ones that went before us.


Valerie said...

that seriously makes me cry the whole way through! Hey I love your header and your signature. Way cool!

Heather said...

AH..Thanks Val! I was just looking at your the other day and thought that the pic of you and brandon is AMAZING!

The signature is super easy and if you can design it in photoshop you can put it there. Let me know if you want the directions